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Release Tracker v3 – Release Notes

Code Vanguard is happy to announce the release of Release Tracker v3. This release was primarily focused on creating an Azure pipeline task for the automatic generation of release notes.

Using the task

The new task, Generate release notes, can be found in the assistant when writing your pipeline yaml by simply searching for “generate release notes”.

To configure the task, fill out the fields in the assistant:

Below is a summary of the arguments accepted by the Generate release notes task:

Release IdThe ID of the release for which you wish to generate the release notes.
Report formatThe format that the release notes should be.
Report folder locationThe folder where the release notes should be saved.
Report file nameThe name of the release notes file

The final yaml will look something like this:

- task: GenerateReleaseNotes@3
    ReleaseId: 425
    ReportFormat: 'InternalMarkdown'
    ReportFolderLocation: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
    ReportFileName: 'Release Notes -'

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